I could open this post with a profuse apology for our year-and-a-half absence from the blogosphere, but to be quite honest, I think we can all agree that the Splitty Family has had a lot going on around here and blogging just wasn't at the forefront of my mind. :O) Combine that with an usually frequent amount of computer and internet problems and you have a formula for "blog blackout". But at the behest of several family and friends, I have decided to give it another go and make the attempt to blog semi-regularly again.
It seems so long ago that I last blogged (well, actually, it really WAS long ago...) and there seems to be so much to catch up on, I feel like I will have to get back in the saddle again, so to speak. I have lots of great pictures I want to post, and I have a calendar I would like to get onto the sidebar again so that extended family members can keep track of the goings-on around here. This is another busy month for us, but perhaps not quite as crazy as May! As most of you know that are close to us, May was a bit over the top, what with soccer games and practices for two, Kindergarten graduation, Spring plays, Mother's Day Tea, softball practices, sports camps, hatching baby chicks, painting the house, etc. Now June finds us all at the ball field on many evenings, watching Maddie play softball and enjoying Kavan embark on his first year of T-Ball. We also have VBS this week, and swimming lessons right around the corner, not to mention Father's Day to celebrate and the garden to finish planting. Those are all posts that I will try to write separately so that I can include some pictures for each. For now I would like to make this a "welcome back" post, with a recap of our year and a half in pictures. I think I have them chronologically ordered, but truth be told I can get a little mixed up! These are starting from where we left off back in October of 2009!! I hope you enjoy the look back, and here's hoping that we will be visiting together regularly in this space for at least a little while!
Happy birthday again! Kavan turns 6 and Maddie 8. Nov 2010
Christmas 2010. I know it's not the best picture, but I couldn't them all to stay still at the same time!! I have great separate pictures that I will add later in a holiday post.
Thanks so much for stopping by, God's blessings on your week!
The Splitty Family
The Splitty Family