The kids had been patiently waiting, for quite some time now. Snow was in the forecast, how much would it be? Could we play in it? Would it cover the grass? All the very important details of the winter weather that was headed our way. We awoke the next morning to a couple of inches, and you would have thought Christmas had come early the kids were so excited!! They promptly ran into our room yelling about "ALL the SNOW outside!!" Even Brody took to yelling "No! No!" - his version of the "snow" chant.
Maddingly had to head off to school that day, so she was unable to partake in the snow festivities of that day :o( But we have had more snow and she has since led many an expedition of snow-suit clad children through the frozen tundra that is our back yard, and even over to the church parking lot, where there are snow "mountains" to be conquered. Her and Kavan make quite a pair when they are out walking together. I haven't gotten any shots of that yet, as it was too cold for this momma outside, but I will try to get some soon. For now I leave you with the joys of that first snow: bundling up in our freshly unpacked snow gear, brand new snow boots, cozy hats and mittens, the first taste of snow, the rosy cheeks, the first snow angel of the year, the red noses, the unwrapping and unlayering...and of course: warming up with a nice mug of hot cocoa!!
My Precious Snow Baby. Brody truly has a new love affair going with this fluffy white stuff. He adores eating it and would stay out in it all day if I were inclined to let him. ;-)
This little trooper wanted to ride his bike in it...seriously.
The staging of this picture can be credited to the elated young man on the right. He instisted on cheering for the hot cocoa for all of the pictures I took, and his little brother was only too happy to oblige him.